Grow Local

We can’t talk about sustainability without also talking about healthy food and access to healthy food in all of our communities. Food deserts are defined as areas where people have limited access to a variety of healthy foods. And where there are food deserts, there are likely food swamps, which is ready access to unhealthy foods, like fast foods and foods at convenience stores. If residents have to take public transit to get to a grocer in order to shop for healthy foods, that brings additional challenges, especially if they are single parents. The impacts of a poor diet are pretty clear.

Our goal is to work with local farmers and existing organizations that work to make healthy food more accessible to all members of our communities.

Additionally, we want to encourage local businesses to use local produce. Fresh, local produce purchased locally helps keep our dollars in our communities. As we work to draw down our carbon footprint, we want to find creative ways to reduce vehicle mileage on our roads, whether that’s commercial or residential.

You are donating to : Sustainable CSRA

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