
Across the CSRA, we see the implementation of solar energy, including Augusta’s commitment to 100% clean, renewable energy by 2050. The move to clean energy brings good paying jobs, makes economic sense as the prices for clean energy continue to fall, and creates a healthier environment. Our work will focus on bringing clean energy to our communities, but also ensure a just transition to clean energy is embraced. A just transition includes good, good jobs and access to clean energy for all, including community-based solar energy.

The advancement of clean, renewable energy represents an incredible opportunity all across the Southeast. In Georgia & South Carolina, the solar industry alone boasts over 7,500 jobs and an investment of $6.2 billion between both states. The investment in solar has led to good paying jobs with benefits for people in our communities. Our academic institutions can help drive that job growth with the development of educational programs geared towards the future.

Energy efficiency also plays an important role in discussions on energy. Improving efficiency is a cost-effective way to reduce carbon emissions, and energy costs, throughout our communities and the reduction of carbon emissions has been supported by local governments, utilities, and other interests.

A transition to a clean, renewable source of energy has never been a better option for communities. The cost of solar energy has continued to drop, making it not just a good choice for the environment, but smart economics. The cost of solar energy alone has dropped over 60% in the past ten years and continued investment will see this pricing continue to drop.

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